Casa Celosía
Mérida Yucatán
CASA CELOSIA is a house renovation project in Itzimna, a traditional neighborhood in northern Merida in the Yucatan peninsula. The original house, built in the 1950’s, a sum of poorly articulated spaces, with low ceilings, and insufficient light and air flow, lacked any clear architectural intent.
Our design goals were to articulate and liberate spaces, use traditional and local materials materials and crafts, and recycle existing materials, while operating within a limited budget. Of these goals, the most important was the creation of new visually integrated and illuminated spaces that allowed air and circulation flow. We took an “introverted” house and opened it physically and visually while always remaining cognizant of its orientation to the sun and wind.
We eliminated interior walls, selected light colors, and opened new windows. Our design allowed the air to flow freely to cool the house, diminishing the need for air conditioning, while filling the house with filtered light. We created an energy efficient house of local materials, protected on the east and west with vegetation, filters, blue glass and bajareque wood rooftops, and even included a green roof.
The house’s only luxury is its modern design and vitality. Our clients, expats in love with Mexico and its rich culture and colors, have a growing collection of contemporary and traditional Yucatecan and Mexican art and crafts. Our choice of neutral colors highlights, not competes, with the brightly colored art pieces. Easily recognizable Yucatecan elements like celosias (light filters), artisanal pasta tile floors and bajareque wood, integrated a contemporary design, result in CASA CELOSIA: clean, simple, yet distinctive outside…but a fountain, handmade tile floor, a blue kitchen, and a duck celosia inside remind you that in Merida, time still flows differently.